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Monday, November 08, 2004

Poem Number One

-The Plot-

On my plate were the conspirators
A grim cabal
Half a burger, slice of pizza, cold chili from a can
Arranged in a circle, joined together for my demise
What turned them against me?
The warmth of my neglect or
The staleness of a promise unkept?
With the first bite their trap was closed
Betrayal of the nose
That didn't bother
And the taste
That refused to acknowledge
Down, down, down
Until all was consumed
Until I was consumed
By the mistake
A stomach- knotted and clenched in its wake
Heaving and heaving
A victim of the plot of the plate


Blogger Razz Master said...

There once was a fart
That lived in a shoe
It smelled real tart
Though it wasn't a Jew
It came from beans
Or maybe from cheese
But by all means
You'll be begging please
Please don't fart
Don't fart again
As my eyes do start
To bleed and cry like rain
Your fart smells bad
Oh yes it does indeed
I must call my dad
For it's he I need
To give me a mask
To block out the smell
A simple small task
For the fart from Hell
So close your mouth
And close your nose
It might go South
Yet nobody knows
But you do see
That cloud of green
Run like your pee
In your worn out blue jean
For it will kill
What's left of your brain
And take the blue pill
To end all your pain.

10:38 AM


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